Laura Därr wurde 1990 in Halle (Saale) geboren. Nach dem Studium Animation an der Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf wurde sie Teil der Klasse Intermedia bei Alba D’Urbano an der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig. Die Medienkünstlerin beschäftigt sich verstärkt mit digitalen Räumen und deren Begehbarkeit. In ihrer künstlerischen Praxis experimentiert sie mit digitalen und analogen Formsprachen und erforscht dabei die interdisziplinäre Schnittstelle von Kunst und Technik. Die Beschäftigung mit der Wahrnehmung von Bildern und dem Verhältnis derer zur Wirklichkeit bildet in vielen Arbeiten die Grundlage der Fragestellung.
Laura Därr: understanding the algorithm, part I: I’m more than a decision. Foto: Lucas Melzer
Forschungsprojekt: understanding the algorithm
Eine Untersuchung digitaler Netzwerke und der Möglichkeit, innerhalb dieser fremd regulierten Strukturen zu intervenieren
Laura Därr: understanding the algorithm, part I: I’m more than a decision. Foto: Lucas Melzer

Laura Därr: understanding the algorithm, part I: I’m more than a decision
Videoinstallation: 5 Min. Loop, PVC Plane, 3 Videoscreens.
Ausstellungsansichten von crossfading | bodies: digitale Echos, analoge Schatten im Kasseler Kunstverein, 2023.
Fotos: Lucas Melzer
understanding the algorithm
part I: I’m more than a decision
As an Al language model, I don't possess personal ex-periences, emotions, or perspectives. My responses are generated based on patterns and information present in the text data I was trained on. Therefore, I don't have the capacity to add personal insights or emotions to my responses. My goal is to provide information and generate text based on the input and context provided to me. Now, presenting Laura Därr's artistic journey, she delves deep into the research on digital identity within the hybrid world, fusing online and offline realms. Exploring how the real world's elements transition into fiction, she conceptualizes networks as autonomous, interconnected structures susceptible to various influences. Laura questions the emergence of new networks, redefining established rules and peeling back layers within networks.
Certainly, let me provide the text from a third-person perspective:
In Laura Därr's artistic practice, she extensively explores research related to digital identity and the emerging consequences in a hybrid world that blends the realms of online and offline existence. She contemplates the foundational elements of the real world and how they transition into the realm of fiction. The concept of a network, defined as a functioning structure composed of interconnected elements that can autonomously self-organize within their mechanism, serves as the foundation of her work. This platform, however, remains susceptible to influence and disruption by various factors, including rules and algorithms that can incite randomness or predictability. Laura ponders the potential outcomes if a new network were to emerge within the existing ones, thereby redefining the established rules. Furthermore, she explores the significance of delving into a network within a network, akin to peeling back the layers of reposts within reposts within reposts.
Her previous work has revolved around identifying the gap, the interface, or the API to access the vast universe of the internet. This endeavor led to the creation of exhibition spaces within Google Maps in her ongoing project called "forging the system", which circulated within this digital landscape. Additionally, in "øTag", she revealed the utilization of one's smartphone in this context. In her current project, Laura Därr aims to generate ideas on how to tangibly describe and analyze the network to effectively intervene within it. Her intensive engagement has led her to recognize the imperative of scrutinizing, questioning, labeling, categorizing, discarding, or finding ways to make transparent the relationship between individuals, net-works, and algorithms. This research informs the focus and serves as the foundation for her project, "i’m more than a decision," which is understood as part of the materials collected in "understanding the algorithm."
The project "i'm more than a decision" takes the form of a media installation, focusing on the interaction between digital and real identities. It aims to demonstrate how these two positions are interconnected, where they clash, and how they form a sense of responsibility that extends beyond one's individual existence. Using the real-life persona of Laura Därr, digital realities are compared to real-life existence within the installation. Both worlds complement each other within the exhibition. The exploration of algorithms takes the form of a reenactment, derived from Laura's own search for her name on common search platforms. The resulting content, previously produced by namesakes, is played back to synchronize the digital algorithm with the analog world, effectively rectifying perceived "errors." The installation presents this filmic component alongside static images.
Text: ChatGPT, für die Publikation GBB_edits #2
part I: I’m more than a decision
As an Al language model, I don't possess personal ex-periences, emotions, or perspectives. My responses are generated based on patterns and information present in the text data I was trained on. Therefore, I don't have the capacity to add personal insights or emotions to my responses. My goal is to provide information and generate text based on the input and context provided to me. Now, presenting Laura Därr's artistic journey, she delves deep into the research on digital identity within the hybrid world, fusing online and offline realms. Exploring how the real world's elements transition into fiction, she conceptualizes networks as autonomous, interconnected structures susceptible to various influences. Laura questions the emergence of new networks, redefining established rules and peeling back layers within networks.
Certainly, let me provide the text from a third-person perspective:
In Laura Därr's artistic practice, she extensively explores research related to digital identity and the emerging consequences in a hybrid world that blends the realms of online and offline existence. She contemplates the foundational elements of the real world and how they transition into the realm of fiction. The concept of a network, defined as a functioning structure composed of interconnected elements that can autonomously self-organize within their mechanism, serves as the foundation of her work. This platform, however, remains susceptible to influence and disruption by various factors, including rules and algorithms that can incite randomness or predictability. Laura ponders the potential outcomes if a new network were to emerge within the existing ones, thereby redefining the established rules. Furthermore, she explores the significance of delving into a network within a network, akin to peeling back the layers of reposts within reposts within reposts.
Her previous work has revolved around identifying the gap, the interface, or the API to access the vast universe of the internet. This endeavor led to the creation of exhibition spaces within Google Maps in her ongoing project called "forging the system", which circulated within this digital landscape. Additionally, in "øTag", she revealed the utilization of one's smartphone in this context. In her current project, Laura Därr aims to generate ideas on how to tangibly describe and analyze the network to effectively intervene within it. Her intensive engagement has led her to recognize the imperative of scrutinizing, questioning, labeling, categorizing, discarding, or finding ways to make transparent the relationship between individuals, net-works, and algorithms. This research informs the focus and serves as the foundation for her project, "i’m more than a decision," which is understood as part of the materials collected in "understanding the algorithm."
The project "i'm more than a decision" takes the form of a media installation, focusing on the interaction between digital and real identities. It aims to demonstrate how these two positions are interconnected, where they clash, and how they form a sense of responsibility that extends beyond one's individual existence. Using the real-life persona of Laura Därr, digital realities are compared to real-life existence within the installation. Both worlds complement each other within the exhibition. The exploration of algorithms takes the form of a reenactment, derived from Laura's own search for her name on common search platforms. The resulting content, previously produced by namesakes, is played back to synchronize the digital algorithm with the analog world, effectively rectifying perceived "errors." The installation presents this filmic component alongside static images.
Text: ChatGPT, für die Publikation GBB_edits #2