Vishnoir Kim
(Young Kyun Kim) arbeitet in den Bereichen Video und Performance. In seinen Arbeiten behandelt er Themen wie Fremdheit und Handlungsmacht. Die Videos und Skulpturen der Serie „BREATH“ verarbeiten die Frustration eines Fremden, der nicht sprechen kann und verwenden weggeworfene und teils kaputte Materialien für Kostüm und Ausstattung. Diese zuweilen seltsamen und imperfekten Kostüme symbolisieren den Künstler, der mit einer Anpassung an gesellschaftliche Normen hadert und zeigen wie schwer Frustration und Beklemmung wiegen. Im Rahmen des „BUNKER PROJECT 2020“, beschäftigte sich Kim mit dem Thema einer Angst, die plötzlich in unseren Alltag einschlägt.
Today I stay with you in this historic place. This is a great honor for me. Thank you for coming. My name is Young, I am a foreigner, I am not fluent in German or English, so whenever I have to talk, in my brain, so many gramers and vocabularies are shifting here and there, and they are often crashed or suddenly disappeared, and finally I often have lost what I have to speak. I am always a stranger. That frustrated feeling is the material and the theme of my work. BUT I am not always gloomy. Performing in a real bunker is my old dream, and Today my dream is coming true. I am so happy. Let me introcuce my team. Natalie Bauer, Franziska Ullrich, Cat Woywod and I studied in the performance class and have been making several performances together since Documenta 14. Christian Grasse collaborated with us from the beginning till spring of 2021. Other great artists Yidahn, Pascalina, Juejun and Wolfram also came for me today. I would also like to thank Bernd Tappenbeck and all the other Vikonauten e.V. staffs who manage this Viktoriabunker. From now on, we are going to take a slow stroll and stop in somewhere and look at what I show you. Shall we walk?
In early March 2020, just before the Lockdown, we did our first filming here at Viktoriabunker. Two weeks later, Lockdown was executed, the bunker was closed and our show was postponed. We started taking supplementary shots at several other locations, including Kassel artschool, Salzmann Fabric, Henschel Fabric and downtown Kassel. In mid-May 2021, we re-entered Viktoriabunker and started filming our performance over two days. ViKonauten suggested that we make a video about the night of the bombing in 1943. Natalie built a gigantic black amoeba, Franzi wiped her body with ashes, and Cat wore a bizarre mirror mask. I made a centaur puppet in papaer. Our plan was closer to an attempt to make a fine art video rather than a historical documentary. The voices of Cat and Bernd were put in the film. Female voice is deeply emotional and male voice is extremely rational, and they are mixed all together and finally accuse the trauma between generations, the socio-cultural legacy of fascism, and military industries in Kassel. This video, which deals with political issues, seems to be different from the direction of my work, but it's a collaboration with my friends. All of our aspects, perspectives and tastes are getting mixed, when we work together. Someone can say that our film "Wir guckten in die Sonne" is a political work. Unfortunately I don't agree with that. We tried to show our society as metaphorically and poetically as possible, just like my former private works.
In closing, I would like to say someting. Every time I spoke in poor foreign languages, you patiently listened to me to the end. What is even more surprising is that you even understood my incredibly pathetic German very well. Thank you for listening. I hope we can meet again somewhere somehow. I wish you a nice day. Bye.
Today I stay with you in this historic place. This is a great honor for me. Thank you for coming. My name is Young, I am a foreigner, I am not fluent in German or English, so whenever I have to talk, in my brain, so many gramers and vocabularies are shifting here and there, and they are often crashed or suddenly disappeared, and finally I often have lost what I have to speak. I am always a stranger. That frustrated feeling is the material and the theme of my work. BUT I am not always gloomy. Performing in a real bunker is my old dream, and Today my dream is coming true. I am so happy. Let me introcuce my team. Natalie Bauer, Franziska Ullrich, Cat Woywod and I studied in the performance class and have been making several performances together since Documenta 14. Christian Grasse collaborated with us from the beginning till spring of 2021. Other great artists Yidahn, Pascalina, Juejun and Wolfram also came for me today. I would also like to thank Bernd Tappenbeck and all the other Vikonauten e.V. staffs who manage this Viktoriabunker. From now on, we are going to take a slow stroll and stop in somewhere and look at what I show you. Shall we walk?

In early March 2020, just before the Lockdown, we did our first filming here at Viktoriabunker. Two weeks later, Lockdown was executed, the bunker was closed and our show was postponed. We started taking supplementary shots at several other locations, including Kassel artschool, Salzmann Fabric, Henschel Fabric and downtown Kassel. In mid-May 2021, we re-entered Viktoriabunker and started filming our performance over two days. ViKonauten suggested that we make a video about the night of the bombing in 1943. Natalie built a gigantic black amoeba, Franzi wiped her body with ashes, and Cat wore a bizarre mirror mask. I made a centaur puppet in papaer. Our plan was closer to an attempt to make a fine art video rather than a historical documentary. The voices of Cat and Bernd were put in the film. Female voice is deeply emotional and male voice is extremely rational, and they are mixed all together and finally accuse the trauma between generations, the socio-cultural legacy of fascism, and military industries in Kassel. This video, which deals with political issues, seems to be different from the direction of my work, but it's a collaboration with my friends. All of our aspects, perspectives and tastes are getting mixed, when we work together. Someone can say that our film "Wir guckten in die Sonne" is a political work. Unfortunately I don't agree with that. We tried to show our society as metaphorically and poetically as possible, just like my former private works.

In closing, I would like to say someting. Every time I spoke in poor foreign languages, you patiently listened to me to the end. What is even more surprising is that you even understood my incredibly pathetic German very well. Thank you for listening. I hope we can meet again somewhere somehow. I wish you a nice day. Bye.